19 February, 2025

Regional Centre



Due to limited availability of seats in the lab, the MSCENV Practical are being conducted in diffrent batches.

1)      MSCENV Learner for these batches Practical wiil be  conducted for the learner registered/re-registration for July2022/Jan2023/ July 2023RR session in different batches.

2)      The Practical schedule/dates will be intimated/uploaded in due course.

3)      The learners will be required to report on the first day, in order to confirm their participation in the Practical, failing which the seat will be allotted to the backlog students, if any, on the next day.

4)      The students of earlier batches who have not attended Practical earlier, may check on the second day in order see the availability of seat and if available, he/she can attend the practical as a backlog students subject to availability of seats. 

 Batch wise list:- MEVL11,MEVL12 (2nd, 3rd and 4th batch)

 Batch wise List:- MEVL13 (2nd Batch)